The definition of healing with Reiki that I now embrace is… “an opportunity for change with love”.
We generally face change with an undercurrent of fear.
We tend to feel fearful of the unknown that the impending change may bring.
There is a deep fearful part within us, (our Ego), that resists change because from the Ego’s perspective, we are surviving with things the way they are, ‘They are familiar: We are surviving …so, why change!”
Even when we sense that behaviours or beliefs are not a healthy way of life or for our greatest benefit, we can hold on. We make deals with ourselves or enter into justifications why we need to hold on and not move away from that which is familiar.
We can reject kindness and support and take it as criticism to justify an Ego based belief that we have held onto as a part of our personal and familiar approach to survival.
It is hard work maintaining those beliefs.
Holding on puts a strain and feelings of dis-ease on us… emotionally, mentally, physically and spiritually.
In many ways we are hard-wired to resist change. It is challenge for us as we live our lives because change is actually a constant within us every moment of every day.
Grace and Ease and Peace
Reiki offers us the keys to connect with life consciously and move from Surviving within our life to Living this life. We can embrace life with more Grace and Ease and Peace and a deeper sense of Personal Harmony.
I have found Reiki to be a wonderful support within my life and I have been blessed with the opportunity to support many clients to live with more clarity and consciousness and peace… with Reiki as the key.
The shift form Surviving to Living is one of the greatest gifts we can give ourselves.
My Mother attended her Reiki One in May 1992. I saw the healing that Reiki brought to her life … and for my young dog Squizzy after Mum offered her Reiki. Those healing changes were key motivations for me to look closely at Reiki. I eventually attend Reiki One in April 1995.
Twenty years on, Reiki has been a wonderful gift that I have given myself.
Most importantly, I am willing to take action, conscious action. Sometimes the changes that I pursue are uncomfortable and challenging for my Ego.
With Reiki in my life I move forward with my Spirit enlivened. My eyes see the pathway forward more clearly.
I connect with Reiki Healing each day and embrace the many gifts that Reiki opens my eyes to see.
Perhaps the greatest gift is a relationship with myself and with that more heartfelt and wholesome relationships with others… relationships with Love rather than Fear as the foundation.
May Peace Prevail in your Heart