Receive a Reiki
Distance Healing
with Gill.
Energetic Distance Healing with Reiki
You can receive Reiki as a purely energetic experience.
Distance Healing Appointments can be for either 30 minutes or 60 minutes.
The Appointment includes your Energetic Reiki Healing and either a brief Zoom or Phone Consultation.
These are very gentle healing opportunities that many of Gill’s clients have found to be very supportive and calming experience.
With permission from a client we will call Alex, here is a conversation after a Reiki Distance Healing.
* From Gill …
Your Reiki is Complete …
Your body was drawing an even and continuous flow of Reiki.
It was flowing from above your head through to below your feet … at times it was a tingling flow that felt like an enlivenment of every cell in your body. It was a truly lovely experience of expansion.
Your Auric Field was then flowing more freely and it too expanded and became more robust.
There was a particular “hot spot” of healing focus at a point in your lower spine … that “hot spot” felt like a source of comfort and relief for you.
The guidance for you is …
“At regular intervals throughout each day be willing to take conscious deep breaths Dear One. This conscious act will support all dimensions of your Being.”
It was a lovely Healing
*From Alex …
The lower spine was in my mind and I was internally hearing or saying this pain no longer serves me. I am sick of the pain. It reduced during the healing!
Everybody is different and everyone receives and interacts with Reiki in unique ways.
Should you choose to receive a Distance Healing your feedback and experience will be unique to you … and be different with each healing.
This was the experience that Alex had yesterday … there are other healings where Alex has felt deeply relaxed and has drifted into a deep sleep during the healing.
The purpose in sharing this experience with you is to highlight the fact that Reiki Distance Healings offer wonderful opportunities for healing.
If you have received Distance Healing and have an experience that you would like to share, please let me know … and we can share the fabulous healing opportunities that Reiki Distance Healing offers.
Contact Gill for more information on how she can support you
with a
Reiki Distance Healing
0407 561 607
you can email her through the
Contact Form
on this Website